Mecklenburg County, NC Address Assignment Request System
This service request system provides citizens, local government agencies, and land developers a means to effectively communicate service requests pertaining to street name requests and approvals, and other forms of address information and assignments. Mecklenburg County Addressing is responsible for address assignment and management within all City and Town Jurisdictions in Mecklenburg County and including unincorporated Mecklenburg County.
A confirmation email will be sent to the customer once your service request is initiated and a GIS associate will work to fulfill your request as soon as possible. For additional information and questions related to your submitted service request, you can contact us directly at 704-336-6175 or email [email protected] .
Address Assignment Request System
Addressing Guidelines for Street Name Creation and Address Assignments (Choose an item below)
Land Developers will submit to County Addressing a list of street names via this service request system that they would like to use in their proposed site plans and use the following criteria for approval:
Mecklenburg County does not allow new street names to duplicate existing names anywhere else in Mecklenburg County. When determining if a name is a duplicate or not, we do not consider the Street Name Type (ie: Rd, Dr, Ln, Ct, etc). Therefore, if we already have a Blue Water Dr, we will not allow a Blue Water Ln, or Bluewater St. We also try to eliminate names that sound too similar, like Varden and Barden, or names that are spelled too similarly like Pointe and Point or Points or Pointer. The goal is to try and eliminate any possible confusion between street names during an emergency. This is especially important now with so many people using cell phones to dial 911. The cell phone does not pick up the actual address of the physical location of the caller and the dispatcher has to depend on the sometimes panick caller to verbally give them the correct address information.
You can check the “Requested New” street name in our Street Name Lookup System here for potential conflict or road name duplication:
New addresses are assigned consistent with the existing addresses and the city-wide numbering grid. Applicants should submit an Address Assignment Request for large developments concurrent with the planning permit process. For smaller projects, applicants can submit the request during the building plan review process. Once addresses are assigned, County Addressing staff will prepare an addressing notice and send it to the US Post Office, Failure to apply for the Address Assignment application may delay the issuance of a building permit.
There are limitations to how addresses can be assigned. These include:
Multi-tenant buildings. Multi-tenant buildings will have one street address with suite numbers for tenant spaces, and one address is assigned per tenant space.
Vacant lots. Addresses are not assigned to empty lots or vacant land until plans for development are submitted.
Work must be proposed. Addresses will only be assigned when new development or alteration work is proposed.
No alpha letters or hyphenation allowed. Examples of such addresses: 12A Elm Street; 27-B Main Street; or 100B Central Avenue; or 100-B Central Avenue.
Addressing Service Request Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Some addresses in the city were not compliant with the 911 addressing system as specified by Mecklenburg County Addressing and the Emergency Response Services and Agencies that serve Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County Addressing is committed to correcting addresses that are non-compliant for public safety issues and ensuring that 911 service organizations do not have any issues in responding to an emergency call. Correct property addresses allow 911 call takers, dispatchers and responders to locate emergencies as quickly as possible.
In short, the main standards for addressing are, as the address increases, even numbers are on the right side of the road and odd numbers are on the left side. Addresses must increase in order along the street. No duplication of addresses can occur on the same street. We do not allow duplicating street names within the county in order to ensure responses are not delayed because of the same street name.
Once a problem is identified, Mecklenburg County works with 911 services to determine the best possible address that is National Emergency Numbers Association (NENA) compliant and mails an address change letter to the property owner and/or tenant.
As soon as possible. Please change the numbers on your house and have visible from the front entrance to ensure there is no emergency response delays. You will have up to 30 days to display your new address on your home or office building per the street ordinance.
- You do not need to contact the post office.
- You will need to contact your Service providers like U.S Social Security Administration, Insurance, Employer, Any Subscription, Clubs and Organizations, Passports, and other Legal Documentation.
- Financial Institute providers.
- The State Of North Carolina DMV and IRS.
- If you have a Business you will need to update all your documents, website, listings on google and navigation maps.
No, a deeds legal property description is linked to the control map and parcel id. The assessor’s office does not provide copies of change deeds however, we recommend keeping a copy of your official address change letter with your deed. It would be a good idea to provide your lender with a copy of your official change of address letter.
Buildings should have approved address numbers placed in a position that is legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. The numbers should contrast with their background. Address numbers should be Arabic numbers or Alphabet letters. Numbers should be a minimum of 4 inches in height with a minimum width of 0.5 inches. Easily legible numbers are essential for rapid response of emergency services.
If an emergency occurs during the transitional period, provide 911 with your new address. Your new address has already been updated in the County and our 911 systems. Using your old address could cause confusion and result in a slower response. If the posted number on your dwelling or business is the old address, please give
911 both addresses stating your address has been recently changed. This should help confusion when responders arrive. You can also help 911 by providing them with additional identifying information such as “the blue house with the black door”, “The three-car garage house, etc. Please change your house number as soon as possible for your personal safety and the safety of others.
There is a possibility that emergency responders will not be able to find you during an emergency. You may also be held responsible if your non-compliance causes confusion during an emergency response while trying to locate another address on your street. The US Post Office will not deliver to the old address after one year which could cause you to miss bills or other important correspondence.
Contact Mecklenburg County Addressing at 704-336-6175
Please contact Mecklenburg County addressing. Street name processes vary by different locations within the county.
Please contact Mecklenburg County Addressing at 704-336-6175. The County, like many other counties in North Carolina, does not usually address vacant property but we can review the situation and decide if an address is needed.
If the road you live on has a sign missing or is incorrect, please contact Charlotte Dept of Transportation or the Mecklenburg Small Towns Street Maintenance Departments.
The Addressing department is located at 2145 Suttle Ave, Charlotte NC inside the LUESA building. Please go inside the building and ask for addressing so an employee can come and help you with any addressing needs.